The University of Chicago: Graduate Studies

Second Year Progress Conference

For students in HR, PR, IS:
While all faculty associated with the area will be invited, a quorum of three is necessary.  The advisor will chair the meeting.

For students in all other areas:
The advisor, together with the faculty who have agreed to write qualifying examinations for a PhD student, will participate in the conference. According to existing guidelines for qualifying examinations, the exam panel must include at least one examiner outside the student’s area of study, and must include four Divinity faculty members (including Associated faculty). A minimum of three faculty members must participate at the conference.

For all students:
The pre-exam progress conference will be held for 1 hour, 15 minutes; 90 minutes maximum. In rare cases, the student may be advised to transfer to another academic program or to withdraw from the PhD program.

A report from the advisor and a timeline for the qualifying examinations is submitted to the Dean of Students following the conference.