The University of Chicago: Graduate Studies

Application to Take Qualifying Exams

Please select your four written exams in the order in which you would like to take them from the dropdown boxes below. If you do not see the exam listed, please select other and make sure to list the exam name correctly in the next section. 
Written Exams
Please list the faculty examiners along with the name and number of your exams. Consult the above list if necessary to ensure that your complete listing is correct.  If you have any examiners from outside the Divinity School, please list their affiliation.


RLVC1 - Theories of Criticism       Rosengarten & Hammerschlag

Again, please list the exams in the order in which you prefer to take them and we will make every effort to schedule them accordingly. 
Oral Exam
Please list all faculty to be present at the oral exam (please specify University affiliation if not from the Divinity School). All faculty who write written exam questions are to be invited to the oral exam. A minimum of four Divinity faculty (including associated faculty) are required to convene an oral exam.
Written Qualifying Examinations will be administered the Monday and Thursday of the fifth and sixth weeks of the quarter. All exams are presumed to be closed-book, without the use of internet outside of receipt and submission of the exam, unless indicated otherwise by the examiner. Oral Exams will be scheduled in consultation with the student and the examiners and will take place in the seventh or eighth week of the quarter. Students who wish to request exceptions to any part of this policy should articulate their request and rationale to the Dean of Students using the box below. The Dean of Students will notify the student as to whether their request has been granted.